Enhance Your Yoga and Recovery With These Tools
Introduction To S.O.A.R.™
Introduction To S.O.A.R.™
What can you expect from the S.O.A.R.™ training? Find out the nature of the course and the steps to certification.
Introduction To Online Classes
Introduction To Online Classes
These online classes vary in length from 20 minutes to a full hour. Each explores a concept from yoga or recovery in the context of the yoga practice. Get your mat, a blanket, and some blocks, and let's get started!
Introduction To Yoga and Recovery Books
Introduction To Yoga and Recovery Books
My first book, "Yoga and The Twelve Step Path" (published by Central Recovery Press, CRP) came out in 2012. It is currently part of the required reading for many yoga teacher trainings as well as some interdisciplinary college courses. The next two published by CRP were "Yogic Tools For Recovery, a Guide to Working the Twelve Steps" and its companion, the "Workbook fo Yogic Tools For Recovery, A Guide To Working the Twelve Steps", are also popular books for those who want to work the steps from a different vantage point. I also have other self-published books available, including a fiction book for tweens, "The Hollow Web".
Introduction To Free Chair Assisted Yoga
Introduction To Free Chair Assisted Yoga
Good classes for people at all levels of yoga practice; be good to yourself while completing a short yoga sequence with your "sponsor" chair- accepting loving assistance while you move and breathe.
S.O.A.R.™ Courses
Recovery Videos
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Non Stealing Asteya
Recovery / Extended Plan subscribers has access to these videos.
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Non Stealing Asteya
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Dedication Discipline Tapas Practice
Recovery / Extended Plan subscribers has access to these videos.
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Dedication Discipline Tapas Practice
Apply dedication to your yoga and see how it can impact your dedication to other areas of your life. All Levels yoga practice.
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Eleventh Step Meditation
Recovery / Extended Plan subscribers has access to these videos.
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Eleventh Step Meditation
Practice meditation to improve your wellbeing and point of view.
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Step Eight Willingness
Recovery / Extended Plan subscribers has access to these videos.
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Step Eight Willingness
Sometimes it is just the willingness to be willing. General level yoga practice.
Free Videos
What Can S.O.A.R.™ Training Offer you?
What Can S.O.A.R.™ Training Offer you?
Overcoming Corona Virus Anxiety- with Spiritual Adrenaline Host Tom Shanahan
Overcoming Corona Virus Anxiety- with Spiritual Adrenaline Host Tom Shanahan
Yogic Tools For Recovery: Step One Video
Yogic Tools For Recovery: Step One Video